Selamat Hari Raya kamu!! :D
today is the first day we celebrate rayaaa....yippi!!hehe dapat makan bnyk2 ne..ahah
happy plus terharu rasa hati mndgr takbir raya tadi pagi...lawaaa takbir atu..bersyukur brabis masih dpt lagi menyambut raya tahun ne..alhamdulillah..
as usual, every first day of raya, we "open house" at home..menyambut cuzen2 yang dtg....then ptg baru off to umah nene and uamh cuzen yang ampir saja...f sampat, maybe off to kb...we'll see..ehheeh
below are the pix yang I took tadi...happy browsing :)
p.s. dont eat too much sugar, krg kspital tujunya..ehehhe :p