? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Selama Malam everybody...are you guys sleeping?? me not..hehhe :p
Me and my coolest cuzens *Cbah, Qidah, Qilah, Syimah, Zimah, Abul, Apip, Amy* went to Perayaan at Tudung Saji, KB to watch Cnah and Sis Nas performed Nasyid.
Below is their pix performing, sorry coz its blurrrrry.... :)

After that, we all went to Gerai Ahad's Burger for late dinner...heheheheh we chitchats, ngumpats sambil makan....ehhehehe ketawa2 saja ne kami...smpai kuar air mata ku...ahahahah *oberrrr* ahaha just browse the pix below for prove...haha

me and Cbah

Amy and Amy??hah?? aahahah :p cuteeeee...

Qilah and tuttttt.....ehheeh


me and daleng

say wat??hahah


THANKS TO YOU CNAH sal LANJA kamik makan tadik...jasa mu akan ku kenang smpei raya jak...ahahha lol:p thankyou:D mwahz!!hahah

no timuns please...ehehhe

nada pose lain aku aaa...skalurrr...hahah *nyamaaaaannnn*

kimclm baju pink....ahahaah cali... :p :p

sik nyaman ka???


Apip cGendut:p


cute jua sidak tok...jeles I...ahahah lol:p


goodjob everybody...heheheh thanks to all my cuzens for setting up the tent for later.... :D see you guys...

my new hostel amah HAHA

Yesterday morning, I asked for assistance from my rocking cuzen, Qidah to clean up my DUSTY-OUS hostel room...thanks so much to her....now its CLEAN nad CRYSTAL clear..ahahah apakannn... :p

thanks Qidah...u'll make my nyte awesome..chehhhh:p ahahah LOPP YOUUU, xx

ahahahh kenak muka ko cemya??hahah

aaaa....mogok nampak..

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

im gonna die

subhanallah....gila x roller coaster ane...bleh buat jantung tercabut, tertinggal d atas..hahah f roller coaster cani ada d Brunei, confirm dpt dikira ne urng kn main..hahah lol:p

This is the WORLD'S STEEPEST ROLLER COASTER, located at Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park in Yamanash, Japan. It was opened just recently, 16th July 2011.

The ride lasts for just 112 seconds but is packed with jaw-dropping features including seven twists, blackened tunnels and a 43 metre high peak. But the most impressive thing about Takabisha is the freefall at 121 degrees, so steep that it has just been recognised by the Guinness World Records as the steepest rollercoaster made from steel.

It is the 14th Guinness World Record set by Fuji-Q, which is one of the leading amusement parks in the world for thrill-seekers. There are also scenic views of the nearby Mount Fuji for passengers who can manage to keep their composure.

To those who have its superrrr GUTS to ride this...TABEKKKkKkKkk from me:D heheheh

Saturday, July 23, 2011

bestfriends day out

Assalamualaikum readers:)
I had a SUPERRR FABULOUS day yesterday with my two beshties, Sis Amy and Sis Nas :D :D
We watched a movie together *Mr.Popper's Penguins*, its soooo hilarious smpai kami ketawa mcm terBASARRR!!! ahahahahahha

After movie-ing, we went to Ahan Thai for dinner...we ate and chat...gossippingg....heheheheh then we went to Perayaan @PadangBandar, hunting for "gulali* a.k.a cotton candy..heheh nasib jua adaaa....ramai urng membali...pksa sabar ber-Q...heeee...p ndapa, worth it menunggu....sedapppp cotton candy nya!!! heheheh *jilat2 jari*

After pusing2 dsna...we choww...exhausted sudahhh..time to go back home :D

To my dalengs ---> had fun with kamu tadi...next time g aa tani chillingss x tani tiga sama2 free..cant wait...heee..love you both so kuat..heheh xx :)

great movie...watch to prove it:)

Nas the ticket girl..heheh :P :P


me and Amy

thanks for driving daleng *mwahhhhh!!* woooheeee

yummm yummmm

driving and eating....cool...hehehh

smpai kehidung wahhh makannn...ahahha lol:p

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

pizza hut with fbeps-ians

Tadi I had lunch with my friends in my faculty *Faculty of Business, Economics and Policy Studies* a.k.a FBEPS....heheheh we lunch at Pizza Hut..ane kira last lunch kami laa before kami sorang2 bepacah...ada ya internship, and ada yg still studying in ubd...next year baru jumpa balik...huhuhuhu gona miss them:) xx

Majlis Persantapan

Last night, scouts were invited to Majlis Persantapan d Istana Nurul Iman sempena Hari Keputeraan His Royal Highness Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah ke-65 tahun...

This is my first time to be invited at the Majlis Santap...Im super excited...heheheh the food were great!! and yummi!! :D

After the dinner, we were given the opportunity to meet with His Majesty...shaking hands...he even talked to us...awesome!! siok!!! hahah :D

Alhamdulillah...it was a great and unforgetable experience... :)

these are scouts from UBD

the food


heheheh us!!



His Majesty taking pix with some members of scouts

our reflection:)

so many people...


us lagi:p

me (scout) and my cousin, Cbah (cadet)

group shot

me and Sis Sal


Saturday, July 16, 2011

larian hari keputraan

Tadi pagi, me, Sis Zimah, Qidah, Qilah and Amy joined *Larian Hari Keputeraan* sempena Hari Keputeraan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam yg ke-65 tahun :D

the event

us after the race:)

them showing off their sijilssss


still fresh ne muka sorang2..ehheh


Amy wif Pijan:)