? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

emma besday bash!!

HAPPY ??TH BIRTHDAY MA..HEHE nda pyh th mention, yang penting, muda masih =)
wish you happy owez with your current and future life ma,
success owez with your studies, may you be bless by Allah with longevity and prosperity,
aminnnnnn!!!! hehe
ku nda tau g pa kan d greet, bnyk kali sudah ku greet ko ma, haha majal aku aa=p haha
goodluck with DIFTONGG MA!! haha apakan! haha
happy birthday emmaaaaa!!

cuppies and gift for bday girl =)

haha, diz pix was my fav part, diz crown dpatahkan oleh emma sal ya marah rah kami sal surprisekan ya..hahaha nadalah..crown ne 'terpatah' oleh emma nda batah after kami surprisekan ya..hahaha nda sengaja..hahaha cali....hehe

reaction mua emma x 1st saw the gift, hehe happening wah..hehe

emma with sparkee..hehe
bday girl kana sumbat, haha
cam zorro semua..hahaha=p
emma c bday gurl..

sal c kambang..haha

ziyah c chapiee...hehe=p

iqah c cute, oppps!! salah..hahaha

pix at d arcade

hehe below ne are d pix we took before us surprisekan c emma..hehe sebelom apa2, begambar nda tinggal..pekara wajib..hehe so, enjoy!!

usul cziyah menulis ucapan for emma..hee..

aku cam besa-tukang meniup balloon..hehe

sampat g pose tu x menulis rah kad..hehehe

begambar dbawah umah emma, haha

aku suka brabiss kad ane salnya ngam for kami empat..
front seat-aku, ziyah-
back seat-emma, sal-

to emma-hope you enjoy and terkezut dengan surprise kami tadi..hehe happy birthday sista!! we love you.... =)
to ziyah and sal-yessss!!! our mission accomplished tadi..kita berjaya mengejutkan emma yang sedang relax2 mliat tv d umahnya...hahaha so, who's next? hahaha, ziyah-be careful..hahaha

Monday, May 24, 2010

cuzens dari seberang

diz are all our cuzens dari Johor, Malaysia..dorang came here to visit saudara-mara di sini sambil melawat&round2 Brunei..riuh rendah umah nene satay lehnya, siok jua rasanya, mcm ari raya..hehe erm..nothing much I want to say, juat enjoy viewing d pix, k =)

photographer wanna be=p hehe

Saturday, May 22, 2010

shopp-ing =D

assalamualaikum semuaa =) ri ne, me, mama, bapa & zimah turun miri, cm besa..mliat perkembangan miri, chewaaah, hahaha erm..nothing much yang berubah dmiri except for jalan raya nya makin crowded & ada buildings baru right after melimpasi custom, kta my dad, buildings tu maybe for d new custom, yang lama nda pkai g..x lah kta my dad, ya pun nda sure..hehehe

as usual, my favourite part if at miri is---shoppinggg--- gue bought jeans, shoes & watch, momi yang bnyk bali, apa sajakah.. like daughter like mother lah ktakn, hahaha pakan, terbalik! ahahaha but rili sory guys aku nada took any pixtures x us dmiri coz i forgot to bawa my camera..huhuhu but nada yang special lah dmiri x atu..mostly nya people shoppp jua cam us, bagus2! hahaha... anyway, dats ol i wan to kurapak kn, esuk g sambong..my activity tommorow --bandar-- hehe have a nice day everibody=)

Friday, May 21, 2010


helo evelibodi....hehehe today my activity is-------movie-ing+shopp 'ckit2' *kes kn kapih, hahaha* wif my gurlss hostellicious -ziyah, emma, sal- hehehe 1st smpai bndar, us mamam lu pat besa -ahan thai restorant- hehe den baru us liat movie -a nightmare at the elm street- d movie was great, bagijap jualah, ada jualah time nya kami semua tutup mata..hehehe aku bagi 7.5/10 for d movie..hehehe pas liat wayang, us jalan2..below are d pixtures yang mostly taken by our personal photographer -sis emma- hehe chewaaahh...hahaha so just enjoy viewing, k... =)

time mamam, hehehe

'tingkat 3' hehe
movie timeeee!

shoppinggg =D
boyfie c emma marah, hahaha=p
hehehe macam bese kami aa, dmana2 mesti ambil gmbar..heheh