? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wish Me Luck =D

Friday, April 27, 2012

early dindin :D

Tadi me and sis went to Tez Amore....makan time :D hehe nothing much I wan to say actually..we were just makan and laugh and makan and laugh again...hahaha so...adios~~ :D

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

girls day out :)

me :D


me and mama

HuaHo Cakoi is YUMMMMMM!!!!
Tadi ptg me, my mom and my sis went to Bandar...girls day ouuuuuuut~ hehe first we went to ubd, I need to return my library books...lupaaaa..keke den we off to Times Square...dinner at Kopitiam...den zoom to Giant....after dat we went home....nalehhh dah....huhuhu :D Im FULL!! makan sja bh tadi...ahahha bh, Im off, bye!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Family Time :D

battleship again :D

our tickets

hehe banyak aa waiting...keke

me :D

Zimah wif Ayam Penyet :p


Chix wif Fries

cornbeef wif eggs :D

our foooooood

We had a fun day tadi wif my family :D We shopppp, dinnerrrr, arcade-ing and watch a movie together...hehehe :D :D we watched *battleship* its the 2nd time I watched this movie tapi ndapa coz movienya SIOK!! :D :D mama pun kesiokan mliat..keke 

Bah bah, Im off lu...nalehhh aa...tapi apa yg penting....me enjoyyyyyy~~ :D :D

Saturday, April 21, 2012

PSM final class:D

thank youuu Dr Sainah for the yummi treat:D

me wif Amal
Today is the last day for Public Sector Management's classsss....YIPPPPPI!!!! *JUMP2* hehehee fuhhhhh.....relief~~~ keke honestly...stiap kali masuk this class my mooooood dropped tarus...boreng banaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr~~~ hahaha dunno why aku signed up for this class dulu...hahah LOL:p tapi nda trasa...last class tia sudahhhh...heheh nway, thanks so much Dr Hjh Sainah, I reli appreciate it eventho aku slalu kn tetdo dlm class...keke LOL;p

Friday, April 20, 2012

Miri again :D

me and Sis

YAY!!! SHOES for me:D
Me and my family went to Miri tadi..we had a blast...and I bought two pair of shoes...YIPPI!!! its been a while since the last I bought shoes...yth skalinya bali dua...nasib nda tiga...keke :p cant wait to wear them...bila jalan lagi aa?? hehehe iski:p

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


ahahahah ane lah yang kami dua buat tadi x attending UBD's Annual General Meeting...ahahha LOL:p

Monday, April 16, 2012

Date wif Zai :)

chix baked chop, yummi!! :D :D

Zai :)
Tadi me and my dear fren, Zai went to The Mall after our long and exhausting group discussion...yth kn uang stress skajap...hehehe we jalan2 and we bought shawls...lawa2 aa...plus murah :D hehe then we had dinner at Cheezbox..lapaaarrrrgggghhhhh~~~ den us bersurai...sambung esuk g discussion..hmmmppphhh... 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

tahlil at Sal's

1st shot

Tadi me, Sis Ziyah and Sis Emma went to Rumah Sis Sal, ada tahlil for her auntie yang passed away last Friday...smoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...amin and alfatihah~ 
and Thanks to Kaka Emma sal antar aku balik lumut tadi..mwahz!! keke

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Movie Date wif Emma

Smekom :D
Last nyte me and Sis Emma watched *Battleship* at The Mall Cineplex...hehe this was Emma's idea...she kept on persuading me until aku terpedaya...ahahha LOL:p but worth it lah coz the movie was AWESOME!!!!! action nya cooool brabis aa..nda rugi, heee~~ :D :D I would like to watch it again please...heheh for those yang alom liat, click here to watch the trailer battleship:D 
and yang siok nya lagi...ada Rihanna:D hehe you guys shud go to the cinema lakas2...siok cetanya...banar~ :p hehe bah bah...thats it...gue chow lu :p nytesssss

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Smekom...Tadi me had dinner wif Mr.Saiful di Aminah Arif Restaurant....we had AMBUYAT for dinner :D :D yippi!!! lama dah nda makan ambuyat...yth...lagipun kn testing pndai kh nda cPopol tu mkn ambuyat...and he did pandai :D bagus~ :D :D heee

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

pizza :D

Me and Sis Zimah baked tuna and sausage mini pizza tadi...it tastes yummi!! fuhhh:D keke cant wait to bake again :D 

Sunday, April 08, 2012

run baby run:D

The race was held around Stadium Hassanal Bolkiah area and it started at 530am, yth me, Sis Nas and Cbah had to jalan awal tadi dari rumah...takot keaheran..heee..us turun dari Lumut around 430am..alhamdulillah kami smpai sana dlm pukul 535am catu...sampat masih...hehe

As we arrived, we can see ramai sudah urang di sana, it looks MERIAH!! I heard they said there are about 4000 participants this year...WOWW!! patut th crowded usulnya...heee..

Me and Sis Nas joined the Fun Run category which is 2.5km and Cbah went for 10km, cayalahhh!! hehee Im sooo not fit for that yet...insyaallahh nanti ku try...keke stayi!! ahahah :p

First there was a warm up session...which was amazingly fun...didnt think of that mula2nya...heheh then us kana suruh be ready for the run...yeay!! ahhaha

Participants who run for the longest distant were released first, which was for 21km..gila x!! if aku confirm pengsan tu x sudah...hahhaa then 10km participants..followed by 5km..and lastly at 7am, the flag for 2.5km was off...RUNNNNNN!!!!!! :D ahahhaa

I finished the run in about 20mins..heheh last year 30mins...ada improvement:D happy ku..keke cNas ketinggalan di blakang...kenalehan ya...yth ya suruh tinggalkn sja ya...heheh

After the run, we took a break...while waiting for the prize and lucky draw session..after an hour waiting..hilang tarus mood kami menunggu..yth kami chow awal...kn breakfast..lapar plng sudahhh...keke

Yth we went to an Indian Restaurant...its MURTABAK TIME!! keke :D :D then head home :D it was a fun event...next year lagi join..insyaallah :)

mine :D

walaupun sleepy tapi kami tetap semangat kn bersukan!! keke

after the aerobic session:D


waiting for the prize and the lucky draw session :)


me with Mickey and Nas with lembu-man!! ahahahah LOL cute tapinya!!ahah

breakfast! :D

Monday, April 02, 2012

Happy Birthday Sis Amy!!

Happy 22nd Birthday to my Beloved Bestfriend
***Sis Amy**

may Allah bless you owez with prosperity, longevity and happiness, amin:D

may ol of ur dreams come true

Im very proud and happy to see what u've become and achieved in life...

you've grown up sudahhh...nda lagi manja cm dulu, adik bongsu kami basar sudah :p

its amazing how the time flies so fast :)

ol the best to youuu babe...

I LOVE YOUUUU!!! xoxoxxox

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Tahlil at Umah Nene

Tadi we went to Umah Nene, ada Doa Tahlil and family gathering tarus...it feels good to see the cuzens together and riuh rendah...happening :D

lunch out wif family :D

Tadi me and my beloved family had our lunch at Resaturant Indah Damai in KB...mama malas masak aa, yth pksa lunch out..hehheehe

me and Bro Apip

Mama and Zimah



mine :D
