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Sunday, April 08, 2012

run baby run:D

The race was held around Stadium Hassanal Bolkiah area and it started at 530am, yth me, Sis Nas and Cbah had to jalan awal tadi dari rumah...takot keaheran..heee..us turun dari Lumut around 430am..alhamdulillah kami smpai sana dlm pukul 535am catu...sampat masih...hehe

As we arrived, we can see ramai sudah urang di sana, it looks MERIAH!! I heard they said there are about 4000 participants this year...WOWW!! patut th crowded usulnya...heee..

Me and Sis Nas joined the Fun Run category which is 2.5km and Cbah went for 10km, cayalahhh!! hehee Im sooo not fit for that yet...insyaallahh nanti ku try...keke stayi!! ahahah :p

First there was a warm up session...which was amazingly fun...didnt think of that mula2nya...heheh then us kana suruh be ready for the run...yeay!! ahhaha

Participants who run for the longest distant were released first, which was for 21km..gila x!! if aku confirm pengsan tu x sudah...hahhaa then 10km participants..followed by 5km..and lastly at 7am, the flag for 2.5km was off...RUNNNNNN!!!!!! :D ahahhaa

I finished the run in about 20mins..heheh last year 30mins...ada improvement:D happy ku..keke cNas ketinggalan di blakang...kenalehan ya...yth ya suruh tinggalkn sja ya...heheh

After the run, we took a break...while waiting for the prize and lucky draw session..after an hour waiting..hilang tarus mood kami menunggu..yth kami chow awal...kn breakfast..lapar plng sudahhh...keke

Yth we went to an Indian Restaurant...its MURTABAK TIME!! keke :D :D then head home :D it was a fun event...next year lagi join..insyaallah :)

mine :D

walaupun sleepy tapi kami tetap semangat kn bersukan!! keke

after the aerobic session:D


waiting for the prize and the lucky draw session :)


me with Mickey and Nas with lembu-man!! ahahahah LOL cute tapinya!!ahah

breakfast! :D