? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

hot vampire:)

Tadi me and the gengs watched this movie.....it was awesome!!! plus the vampire was super sexy!! heheheheh you guys shud watch it, nda rugi tuuu..banarrr...ahahha :p

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

open office

Raya is still on!!
Today us openhouse at office, but its only for all the employees...no outsiders allowed.. :p kanyang brabiss aa...pasalnya not only at our department, arah floor lain pun ada jua openhouse, yth full kami, makan sajaa...eheheheh
just browse the pix, k, happy moments:)

me and Iman

me wif neighbors


me wif Syuhada and Qidah

attachments and interns unite:D

family photo :)

me wif Kitty


me and Zai

me and Ben


the three mousekeeterss, ahahah lol

Monday, September 26, 2011


Tadi me hang out with Sis Amy at CoffeeBean...chitchat and gossippings for a couple of hours :D its fun to lepak wif my bestie...love her!! :) xx



me and Sis Amy

me wif my Hot Choc :D

cute!!! this kid mengambangs tadi wif kami, she wif his brother, cute!! :D

Friday, September 23, 2011

movie-in wif Sis:D

Smekom :D

Tadi me and my Sis watched this movie.... cali cetanya...I like it:) especially part Shaheizy Sam, ahahah bias aku aa..eheeh :p you guys shud watch it..nda rugi.... :D :D

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hey viewers:D
My parents and my lil sis were off to KL this weekend, yth my neighbors a.k.a my cuzens sleepover beramai2 at my home...BERPARTAYYY!!! eheheeehh :D we watched movies, play guitar heroes and ddr, had snacks at midnyte and we surrendered at 4am...ahahahah thanks guys kerana menceriakan malam kami...chehhhh....ahahah LOL, nanti lagi aa...sorry nda dpt karaoke-ing..terkajut krg my nene...ehehehe :D

Saturday, September 17, 2011

hantu bonceng

Me watched this movie semalam with Apip, Abg Roy and Akim at the mall :) the movie was okay...not great, just fine...Ive rated it 7/10, after that we went to Mamih for the late dinner...heeee...

Friday, September 16, 2011

cucur udang:D

Cmekom... :D
Tadi we spent our lunch at one of our collegue's openhouse, the food was superb!! nyaman the soto...p yang paling us suka is the **cucur udang** my fren's grandma yang masak, rasa kan dtapau wahhh...ahahah banar2 kami makan, brabut takut nda ampit, ahahahha lol

Thanks babe for inviting us :D
p.s. jgn lupa bata cucur udang ke ofiz..ahhaha :p

Thursday, September 15, 2011

johny english reborn

Tadi me and the gengs watched the premiere of **Johny Englsih Reborn** :D eehehehehhe the movie was sooo hilarious...its Rowan Atkinson, obviously it is full of jokes and sillyness....you'll laugh out load...heheheh you guys should watch it....u'll never regret...I rated it 9/10.. :D

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

farewell beb

Tadi me and Cbah went to the airport to sent my gorgeousyyy cuzen, Baiti....she off to UK tonight to pursue her study there....goodluck and take care babe...dont be toooo naughty, k... eeheheh :p have a blast!! :D gona miss youuu babe... :) xx

Sunday, September 11, 2011

braya umah gengs:)

Hehheheheh what a happy day :) tadi me braya umah gengs dKB, first me and Sis Emma braya ke umah Sis Ziyah, then us betiga beraya ke umah Sis Sal, then lastly ke umah Sis Emma balik..hehheh kanyang brabis ku...manakan setiap umah, aku yang paling bnyk makan...nyaman2 bh makanan drng..hingga menjilat jari, heheheh next year lagi aa gengs...insyaallah :D

to Sis Sal - thanks for the foooood....yummi!!! cikit g kan minta tapau....eheheh :p
to Sis Emma and Ziyah - sorry bnyk melahap vicoball and cake vico kamu....fav ku bah tu..nyamannnn.... :p heheh

lawa eyyy...but if berdiri confirm lagi lawa ne..syg eyyyy...

me and Sis Senyuman menggoda..ahahah :p

mwahz!!! ahahha

me and cLove...chehhh..ahaahha lol


gadisss ayuuuu:)

makan keeee?heehhe

Sis Ziyah

Thursday, September 08, 2011

dinner at wa kiah's

Tadi me dinner out at umah wa Kiah, they open house today, yth invite me and Cbah..kami apa lagi...pasal makan free ne, nada wujud tu perkataan reject..ahahha lol:p the food are yummi!! rasa kan tapau..ahahah melampau eyy..

super cute Dania..

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

date with Cbah

Helo smurfers...hehehe :)

Cbah fetched me tadi from work...yth tarus me lanja ya dinner at McD....lapar bahhh...hehheh then we decided to watch a movie...ehheh siok jua movie-ing spontaneously atu...unplanned is always fun!!hehhe apakan:p

As u guys can see, we watched **The Smurfs** tadi..siokkkk movienya..cute brabissss....for those yang alom liat..bek th serbu the cinema...heheh :p

i smurfs you...ahahah what the smurf.. lol:p


Sunday, September 04, 2011

5th day of raya

Bapa flew to KL tadi morning...ada course di sana for two weeks..yth boring..baru 5th raya, blayar th sudah bapa ne..huhuhuhh yth tadi me, mama, Apip and Zimah braya with cuzens ke KB, bramai2, at least nda jua boring..eheheheh browse saja the pix below :)


smentara menunggu drng mama sampai tadi, smpat g kami ke ogdc..begambar2, heheheh


lawaaaaa :)

ini adik saya yang gendut:p

loveeee me. loveeee you, loveee us...ahahah


cute macam bapa dan anak....ahahah lol:p

lawaaa eyhh adik2 ku ne...

my sayang Daniaa...





at Qidah's fren openhouse

Qidah and Pikah