4th day of raya:)
We held "open house" today at our home for all of our beloved cuzens and friends...so exciting:D
The menu for the day were spaghetti, mee jawa and kelupis...plus there was a bit special coz we have chocolate fountain in the list..yeay!! everyone loves the marshmallow...yummi bahhh...heehhe but Im sorry coz I didnt take the pix of it tadi..I forgot..heeee..
It was kinda hectic tadi coz ramai urang dtg at the same time...sampai nda brpa telayan bahh...so sorry for those yg kurang layanan..jgn mare ye...maaf zahir dan batin..eheheh :p :p
thank youuu so much for those yang sudi dtg ke umah tadi...hope you guys kanyang and happy :D insyaallah next year tani meet lagi aa...singgah2 saja ke umah...anytime pun buleh, nda pyh tunggu raya...my house owez open for you guys...chehhh..eheheheh :)
me and Sis Nas
me and Sis Amy
me and my sayangsss
senyummmm :)