? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, August 01, 2011

1st day :D

Today is the first day for me being an intern at BIBD Headquarter, which are located at Pusat Bandar:D FYI, this is also the first time I have a real job...hopefully everything will turn out okay and superb..amin:D

At first Im kinda nervous...especially to meet the bosses and all the colics...luckily they are all friendly and nice...plus the environment is cool too...Me and my three other friends are attached with the Human Resource Department, which we are given a special project that must be completed within three months...looking forward for it :D *semangat* hehehe

Just stay tune, will be update asap :)