? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

openhouse but nada makanan

tonyte tadi...me, emma n ziyah went to hari raya celebration at our hostel...all of the residents were invited...its not just for hostellites, its also open for others....due it was organized by RESCO and PMUBD...
on the flyer, it mentioned ada lucky draw, singing contest, performances n stuff...it sounds siokkkk, yth kami pigi, lagipun last year kami nda join...
x us dtg, it was crowded sudah...nda cukup seats...yth us tpaksa diri2 dulu....den baruth ada krusi....hmmm...it worsen when its time to eat...it was creative coz there are booths serving different types of cuisine...p yang sayangnya.... --> nda cukup makanan <-- dah th nda cukup makanan, piring, sudu n gelas pun nda cukup...hmmm...bari malassss.....
yth sudah kami sasak, us dinner out sha rh restaurant...huhuhu
hope next year, it will be better... :)