anyway about diz haruma, I fell in love to his acting ever since koizora was played in ABO in 2008, but during dat time, I was not reli into him, but ntah aa suddenly diz year, tiba2 sha tringat about diz guy, tarus I did some research about him..about his movies & dramas..since den, I started to buy all of his dvds, but nda semualah..masih bnyk g yang alom ada in my collection..coz nada bejual dkadai, I try to download but failed, insyallah Im gona try it again nanti..sampai dapat..hehe..now, aku baru ada 12 dvds, 27 videos and 315 pixtures of him...huh? what? yea! im obssessed about him! I ADMIT! hahaha..but, nda salah kn..bukannya ngacau urng.. =p bth sudah I've been trying to post about him but alom jua..yth today baru th ku kn menge-post..hehe..hope you guys enjoyed=)
bah bah, until here lu aku bekurapak pasal c Uma ne..mental krg kamu mendgr..hahaha anyway, gona update soon g...phm2, nda g bth kn bday his majesty..grenti bejalan saja ne..hehe..bah, have a nice day everibodi..love yo!!! xoxo
diz is what he looks like in koizora-->d 1st movie dat I watched=D