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Sunday, June 28, 2009


smoga pnjang umor, sentiasa sehat & maintain fit, hehe
smoga murah rezeki & hepi owez
thanx for everything that u've done for us
mama, alip, apip, imah & me gona owez love you..forever..<3

cake for daddy=)

haha, da moment x us surprisekn awg. ibrahim, hehe

birthday guy, hehe

yemedah&anak2, hehe

suap menyuap session, hehe


karaoke session

me & bro

cnyum cmuaaa

me & boyfiees

cnah&shyimah sama..hehe

hahaha, cali mua ku, hahaha p lawa pose 3 org dblakang aa

besar jua mulut zimah yaaa, hahaahaha

shyimah nda menjadi...hehe

bsilat kami aaa

today, we cuziee2s had bbq+karaoke at umah drng cbah, diz bbq only for cuzens yg tgl dlumut ja, so for those cuzenss2 yg luar dari kawasan lumut, dnt b surprise seeing da pix2 above& dnt b mad..nada plan for da bbq, mengajut, yth drng bo lah didnt invited u guyss, sorry...=) da food were fantastic+yummi! hehe me&momi uat chicken quiche, curry puff from bo noraidah, bo lah cooked fried rice&mee, da chicken+mutton+fish were grilled..fuhh! nyaman bahhh...
pas mamam, we uat surprise at my bapa, today is his birthday, 1st we kamas2 da dishes, den we bring out da cake wif lights on..& we sang da besday song...tkajut banar my dad mliat x atu..hahaha u've got punk pa..hahaha=p grenti u tot us lupa to buy a cake dis year..kn kn? hehe we never forget pa=) hehehe pas celebrating my daddy's birthday, we cuzenss2 sang karaoke....hehe enjoy banar us x atu...hehehe smpai nda sadar morning dahh..hahahaha we went home almost 3 in da morning..baru yaa..hehehe nanti g eyhh karaoke...suka ku..hehehe bah, until ere jaa..im kn off to bed now...bye! once again, hepi birthday bapa!