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Sunday, June 07, 2009

chicken quiche

some of da ingredients

before putting them to the oven

30mins after, yummi

out choki2 ahh, haha

im hungryy...kn mamam food dat momi cooked for lunch tadi nada slera...ermm..skali i decided to cook something new, something different...me and momi flip ol da recipes yg ada rah momi's collection...bth2 mencari, den we both agreed to make 'chicken quiche' huhuhu namanya dah nyaman d dgr, pa g taste nya..huh..upanya simple to make it..ingredientsnya pun nda bnyk..mula2 tu takot nda menjadi..skali...menjilat jari jua bis mamam..hehehe sedappp..kalah quiche d bakery *cakap basar ne wah, stayi, haha* f kamu kn rasa, sudi2 lah hulurkn duit, kmi uatkn, hahaha gla harta aku ahh...hehehe k lah, mls kn ckp too much..tcre ol! mwuah