? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

masak masak =D

Tadi me and the gengs main masak2 di umah Sis Emma...hehe us masak SPAGHETTI! =D its been awhile kami nda masak together...dulu penah skali kami msak spaghetti d umah Emma jua...but batah dh eyhh...I think 2 years ago x...heee and kami penah msak spaghetti d hostel jua skali...msa 1st year x...ku pun nda ingat bila..hehe

Before stat cooking...us shopping2 lu....bali ol d ingredients..f nada ingredients apakan d msak...kan kan? ahahahah apakann~~ LOL=p 

After we've got ol d ingredients readi....and then the COOKING BEGAN~~~ heeee **iski** we divide the tasks so that smua ampit bekraja...hehe just look at the pix below...u guys can see tu apa each of us uat...heee

Kami masak mengambil masa dlm 3hours catu...hahah NADABAH~ atu msak kh apa tu..ahahha LOL Less than one hour catulah kami masak..heee Pas masak2...sorang2 kelaparan sudahhh...apa lagi...time to MAAAAKAAAAAAAAN lerrrrrrrr~~~ hehe SOOODAAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!!! makan makan sampai LABU parut!! ahaahhaah LOL=p jgn jelessssss....keke  

After makan..we chill2 ceta2 sambil liat telemovie **Lari, Sayang, Lari** ahhahaha kira mcm version melayu Run Baby Run lah catu..hahhaha membual~~~ 

to be continued at the next post....stay tuned!! =D =D heeeee 


bahan2 nyeeee....heehe

kaka2 manissss...hehee

Kaka Jiyah memboil mee :D

cane lahhhh usulnya...hehe

chehhhh...our Chefs...keke

laparrghhhhh th sudah tu Jiyah aa....ahahah

smpt g kami bmesra tu...ahhahah LOL

Jiyah's art of work...hahaha oberrrrr ;p

masak dahhh :D

focus sul kami tuuuu~~~ hahaha

happy faces =D =D lapar plng bnarnya tu...keke

chehhh...cm Masterchef plang suk Kaka Emma ne...hahaha

sosej yg telah dipotong bulat2..heee

me and her...ahaahh

the sauce looks YUMMMMMI!!!

us showing off hasil karya kami....keke yummi!!! mau sikit?? hhaahah  sha2pun sha kamu=p =p