? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family Time:D

Semalam me and family spent the night at Empire Hotel sempaena cuti skulah x ane..malas kuar negeri yath stay dlm Brunei sha...keke tapi nda pa, still SIOK!! :D :D

Kami smpai hotel around 7pm catu...iski wah kami, mcm baru penah saja...aahahaha LOL:D Around 8pm, our first activity was BOWLING!! :D hehehe We went to the Bowling Centre and STRIKE!!! :D :D hehe happening lah malam tu..salnya Bapa and Mama baru first time ne men bowling, yth kami iski mliat...heeeee...mama wah terror main...ampir points kami...mcm penah men saja...caya lah!!! hehe

Pas bowling, we went dinner at Wywy Sengkurong...laparrrrrrghhhh sudahhh after mengumban bula bowling...hheheheehe Around 12am baru kami smpai hotel...exhausted brabisss sudahhhh....its time to get a beauty sleeeeeeeeep....kekeke

Tadi pagi, aher kami bangun....breakfast!! den swimming!! hahaha NOT~~~ nda dapat swimming...bendera jepun aaa:( SPOIL!!! haha ndapa, next time sha lagi :D

Lunch time we checked out...lunch kajap..den off SHOPPING~~~~ YIPPI!!! :D :D

to be continued......hahaha :p

us ONE family:D:D

Akim joined the family:)

happy nampak anak seko ne:p

dlm bathrooooom jualah bergambar....hahahah lawa bh...hehe

ya saja jua eyhhh kn begambarrrr...:p

lawaaa!!! :D

awkward jua sul ku atuuu, ahahah

staie!!! :P

heheh iski sul kami sorang2 :p


steady bapa ku atu....ehheeheh

mama terrorrrrrrrr.... :D

usul Apip mengumban bulaaaa...keke

Mama MANANG??? WOWWW!!! cm tipu ja baru penah men...cm slalu main ja:p :p

2nd game aku manang, YIPPPPPIIII!!!!! :D :D

staie eyhhhh sul adi2 ku tok :p


nyummmmmmmm!!! :D

tgn sapa tuuuu???keke :p




ikan koi:D banyakkkk...

sapa dpikir yaaaaa Zimah?? Abg Tutong kah?? :p

me posing dapan lagoon...nsib nda gugur...hehe

Zimah dapan swimming pooooooool:D

happy family :D

Mawi pun penah stay di Empire rupanya...heeee

mama and Zimah :D

lunch time!!! :D

yummmmi!!! hehe

view dari atas!! :D