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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

sapa injured?:p

Me and Sis Sal have attended a two-days First Aid Course on 27-28th Feb with scouts..which were held by Institute of Health Science, UBD...we actually its semester break plang ne, one-week holiday...but we used two days for this course...heeee....

The course was fun, interesting!!! :D nda nyasal lah join...we were thought cara2 menandatangani emergency...such as bleeding, heart attack, fracture, burning, collapse, etc. ehehehhe yang paling aku kecalian x 1st day, kami kana ajar cara2 CPR, we have to do it at a mannequin, cm ganjil rasanya...ahhaha LOL:p after blajar, ada test lagi tu, panic jua lah kami, nasib jua sanang...hehehhe :D

On the 2nd day, kami kana ajar cara2 bandaging and buat sling if tgn patah or bleeding..ketawa2 wah ku wif cSal, bemain th plng kami...kekeke :p

We had completed this coourse, so sapa2 yang injured tu, just call me or Sal, kekkeke *cm staie* :p ahhahah qualified x aa kami sudahhh :p LOL:p

here kami belatih buat cpr...cm bagijap plng sulnya patung ampai2 aa, hahah

Nana showing her skill buat compression :D


AAAAA!!! body parts ampai2, hahahaha

hehehe..me with c Ali and Aminah, ahahah LOL:p

Sis Sal mau jua bgamba with c Ali aa, hahahahaha

us us!! :D

me with Izzie, kawan baru Sis Sal, kekeke

say Hi to Mr. Skinless!! ahhahahhaha

sakit Sal?? ekekek

lecture time....huaaaaargggghhhhh!! :S

cara2 lifting casualty, heeee....

final task, assessment time, nervousss~

our task, ada someone injured, and we need to figure out the way to reduce his pain..