Cmekom... how are you guys doin?? :)
Today Im just wana chit chat a bit about where my family and I went yesterday...heheehhhe
My parents went to a family wedding, while me, my sis and bro went to International Convention Centre (ICC), Berakas..Consumer Fair are being held there, so we "jalan2 cari makan plus cuci mata" dsna..ahahha :p :p
There was so many people at the event, as if there was a festive going on..there are varieties of things sold there, such as clothes, bags, shoes, furnitures, electrical appliances, medical consultations and ofcourse -->FOOD<-- eheheheh the best thing was we've got the chance to test different type of food samples...its FREE...eheheh LOL:p
We also got the chance to visit the Night Safari :D
The Consumer Fair will be open till this 29th May, you guys still have the time to go'll be fun..chehhh...mcm mem-promote aku aa..ahahah :p