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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ole ole ole ole! hehe

tati is missing *before da game*

*afta da game* jd cheerleading kami, haha sampat g tu, hahaha

hahaha salah team *bek jua kmi nda mentioned dpmm wah, f nda, kana umban butul x, hahahaha*

uoooooooooooo! marvellous job to dpmmfc for punching down da super red fc, 3-2 yeeehaaaa! hehe diz is da 1st x i went to watch da game, manang g tu..nda regret lah dtg, wlupun beujan d..hahahaha
okay okay, before aku tell u guys further stories g, first i want to gto lu how we tcapai kn liat ball aa...hehe da story begun when my tahanlasak cuzen *baiti, hehe* bawa aku to join her& her sistas to watch da game tonyte, tarus i say YES YES! hehe batah dah im cravingkn liat futball game scara life, diz is da x, hehehe
so diz morning tadi, i'l text cbah to join us tonyte, ofkozle she said yesss too..kaki jalan x ahhh...kn cuci mata katanya..hehehe * cua cuci kai hand sanitizer bah, hahaha*
hehehe both of us chow dri hostel at 1900+, coz drng baiti wait for us at 1930 she said...gpun us nda brapa tau jln mnuju kstadium aa, yth pxsa jln awal...in case sasat..hehehe
bek jua cbah taulah da route to stadium, we arrived at exactly 1930 wah, hehe be punctual le katakn, hehehe upanya drng baiti alom smpai, kmbngggg! hehe
while waiting for them to come, me&cbah jln2 cri makan lu at stalls dsna, us bought burgerrr special, nyum nyum! hehe
den baiti txt me saying dat drng smpai sudah, she said to wait near da entrance door, so we wait there lah...afta 5min, alom jua drng timbul2, weird jua coz nda ramai wah urng...bleh jua we spot tu drng..but nada bah..den baiti calls...she said drng wait rah near main entrance jua, cali jua tu us nda nmpk drng, huhuhu upanya, drng ddapan, us dblakang stadium panya, patutlah nda kjumpaan, hahahahahahaha pxsa g us&cbah round stadium to get to da front, hahaha
da game start at 2015, at da beginning of da game, boringlah coz da player cm nda semangat, but afta 15mins, da game trasa pns dah...huh! hehe but around 2045, da day started to rain, bek jua nada labat, kmi g nada bring umbrella, nda kana suruh bawa masux aa...basah jualh kmi lehnya...hahaha p ndapa, semangat masihh... swimming burger ku dlm plastic, hahaha
at da 1st half of da game, dpmm lose by 1-2 to da red fc, den afta da second half, dpmm beaten up tarus da red fc by 3-2, yeehaaaaa! go dpmm! hehehe
da games end at around 2200, its time to go back to da hostel, takot pagar tutup, tido dluar pagar krg me&cbah, hahaha
eyh, alom g bis ceta ku, hehe masa kmi odwkn blik ke krita, me&cbah passed by near one of da entrance at da stadium, just right outside da door, there is a bus, with da futbollers in it, hehehe apa lagi, me&cbah iski kn take pix with drng...at first, da manager nda suruh, den kana suruh tia, we kana suruh msux inside da bus g, hahahaha p yg weirdnya, when we say hello to them, they didnt wply, n n mua drng g serius tu, cm marahh, awkward rasanya kami bgmbr aa, hahahaha dah turun dari bus, bru us realise upanya yg dlm bus tu ukannya dpmmfc, da super red fc panya, hahahahahaha bari malu kmi aaaa...hahahaaha patutla mua drng bnyk cm chinese, haahahahaha cali banarrr...hahaahah bek jua nada urng realise, f nda, kana kata belot kmi aaa...hahahaha
dats ol mystory for tonyte, pnjang jualh, dpt uat buku dah ne...*labih* hahahaha bah bah, im off to bed lu, nyte guyssss! hugs! hehehe

ps: next x ramai2 g eyy liat futbol...=)