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Friday, May 22, 2009

date with ziyah, hahahaha

date with ziyah? hahaha nadaleee...just joking..hehe yesterday, me had weceived a msg from dst asking me to submit ol my copy of certificatess&hecas form to da admission office at ubd..it said submit no later than 23rd may, bari tkajut bahh, cua th txt earlier, ne bek jua aku da spare copiess..huhuhuhu at 1st kn jln with my parents, skali, ada tia 1 of my gp's classmate txt me, cziyah, she wceived txt jua from ubd atu..yth she mau itot aku k ubd, ya nada dgn..yth my dad suruh bawa keta ja..hehehe

we turun from lumut in 1pm++, arrived at ubd around2 catu..ramai urng dsana, they kana msg too, yth ngantar their copiess jua..huhuhu i asked whether urng yg kana msg ne cnfirm kana accepted o nda, but da guy said, they cant tell yet coz its sulit katanya, huhuhu, cuath gto ja..ne uat ku curious saja, huh! nervous ku eyh waiting for da namelist rah ubd ne eyh..batah..hope cngt i got it..amin amin amin!

pas ksana, me&ziyah went to da mall, ziyah kelaparan, ciann..hehe us mamam2 dsana..ramai jua urng x atu dmall, heran jua kami x atu, today is thursdayy, people nda kajakh..pyh g cri parking tuu, mental ku..heehehe pas mamam, we went to yayasan, i want to meet myhby jap, kn give his stuff back..yth..we date jap, sampat jualh took pix, mish him brbish pas tu, me&ziyah went to tamu gdng, jln2 cari mamam, hehehe den we blik..kn mlm dahh..huhuhu we arrived home around7..hehe nanti g us jln ahh ziyah..hehe to my besfiess-i mishh you guyss reli so damn much!f u guyss free, we meet up ahh..bth nda lepaxx together..huhuhu love you my b.f.f.!hugss!