wish u a memorable birthday,
hepi2 owez beside ur bloved family, boyfie & us*me&nas*
stay gorgeous*jgn prasan* & stay montoqx, hehe
hope we gona owez be beshfwens 4eva,
& wish u a very bright+success life,
amin! hehe
amy kana sumbat cake
akim malu2 krabau
peace hby nda menjdi,hehe
slipar lovesss
hehe today me&hby, nas & akim uat birthday party for DALING AMY, we plan kazutkn amy d pntai, menjadi jualah plan kmi dlm 80% coz akim da mislead information,hehe but amy still tkajut lah, atu yang kmi mau tuu, hehehe *jgn mare siss* part yg pling ciux+enjoy brabish x men cake, bish muka sorng2 jadi cream, haha aku & nas yg pling bnyk kana, smpai kutor baju, syg baju lawa, hehe zudin pun kana leh ku,puas atiku, haha *sowiee sayang* den us went to seria, rah arca shell tu, amy request kn liat sunset, so kmi ksna lh, mesti itot ckp besday gurl, her day lah ktakn, hehe den dsana us bgmbr2, men air pntai wif hby, sweeeet! hehe pas liat sunset, us blik lumut coz ari kn ujan, tkot akim nda nmpk jalan blik bndar, hehe yth akim wif hby blik, awal msihh=( hehe me, nass & amy continue g lepak2 rah my crib smpai kul9, hehe den drng blik, exhausted banar ku, but gue enjoy brabishh ri nee, hehe once again hepi besday daling momo! love youuu behfiess=)
sexi back from nas, amy, iqah