? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, June 30, 2012


I spent the day wif the gengs today:D we went lunch at Jolibbee...jalan2..then went to Bridex..ada Consumer Fair..hee..happy day:)

Friday, June 29, 2012


Congratulation to Abg Akhyar and Ka Mona on ur Pernikahan day :D
Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dgn lancar wif only skali lafaz..heee
On behalf of my family, we wishing u both ol d best, have fun being a man and wife:)
may Allah bless you both owez wif prosperity and lots of kids! keke amin :D :D
penyambut tetamu~ heee

hotties, keke :p

Zimah kuntot:p :p

heeee :D


me and Cnah, Qidah and Imah:D


bon apetit :D

waseeehhhhhh..segak tu :p

jejaka2 pilihan..ahhaa


on his way :)


Azli, Dewi, Momi and Bo Noraidah :D
Happy-but-nervous face :p

the moment.

the bride sebak~~
congrates again :D

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

cuze day out! :D

Today I had a great day with my cuzenssssss....first we all went to KB for our 2nd HPV injection..then us went to Bandar..had lunch at Giant, then I dropped off Cbah and Qidah at UBD while me and Qilah went to MOE...mengambil slip results drng...heee

Then after semua slesai sudahhh, we jalan2, menyuping...keke sila lerrr browse our pix dbawah **wink** :D

Monday, June 18, 2012

santai :D

Tadi me hang out wif my girlfrens at Marilyn...de-stressing time sambil makan2...hehe thanks gurls for the time..mwahz!!! keke

Sunday, June 17, 2012

b o w l i n g

Tadi me and family went to Bandar..jalan2..then keborengan psal mcm balik2 dh bh turun naik Bandar...b o s a n plng...gpun awal aa kami balik, around 7pm x..keke yth ku bwa adik2 ku yg tersyg men bowling tadi d Seria..gpun lusa drng buka skulah sudah aa..yth menyampati:D heeee

makan lu before mengumban bula...hahaha 

guess who punya kaki paling basar and yg pling damit? :p hehe

Sunday, June 10, 2012



Tadi me and my family went to Bandar..then my dad dropped me and Zimah off at The Mall...we watched >>Madagascar 3<< it was AWESOME!! ketawa2 sja kami lehnya...ahahha nda rugi lah liat...heee Then we had dinner at Aminah Arif...ambuyat-ing :D :D


Saturday, June 09, 2012

miri again

being silly on our way to Miri..LOL :D

Saturday, June 02, 2012

riding double :D

Today I had a GREAT DAY wif my dearest fren, Sis Jiyah =D We had lunch at a new restaurant at Citis Square called *Fish & Co* obviously its all FISHHHHHHhhhhh~~ =D the foooood was PRICEY!!! the taste????? okay lerrrr...sadanggggg....not as high as my expectation wud be..but its worth trying =D =D

Jiyah mamam Fish and Chips :D

mine is fish and rice...hahaha apakannn:p

After lunch...we watch movie **Snow White and the Huntsman** click here for the SW trailer :)))) the movie was gooood!! SIOK!! I gave 8/10..heeee

Then we went SHOPPPINGGGG~~ Sis Jiyah yang banar2 shopping...mcm2 dbalinya..bravo!! hahhaha apakannn..LOL:p I only bought perfume...supaya wangi sntiasa~~~~ heee Our last pit stop is Hua Ho Bunut..jalan2 jap then singgah to Dairy Queen, bought some fooood lagi before balik...keke

After that we offfffffff to KB...homeeeeyyyy.. :D We had FUN....nanti lagi aaa...looking forward to it...keke