Selama Malam everybody...are you guys sleeping?? me not..hehhe :p
Me and my coolest cuzens *Cbah, Qidah, Qilah, Syimah, Zimah, Abul, Apip, Amy* went to Perayaan at Tudung Saji, KB to watch Cnah and Sis Nas performed Nasyid.
Below is their pix performing, sorry coz its blurrrrry.... :)
After that, we all went to Gerai Ahad's Burger for late dinner...heheheheh we chitchats, ngumpats sambil makan....ehhehehe ketawa2 saja ne kami...smpai kuar air mata ku...ahahahah *oberrrr* ahaha just browse the pix below for prove...haha
Sunday, July 31, 2011
created by iqah at 1:53 am 0 comments
my new hostel amah HAHA
Yesterday morning, I asked for assistance from my rocking cuzen, Qidah to clean up my DUSTY-OUS hostel room...thanks so much to its CLEAN nad CRYSTAL clear..ahahah apakannn... :p
thanks Qidah...u'll make my nyte awesome..chehhhh:p ahahah LOPP YOUUU, xx
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
im gonna die
It is the 14th Guinness World Record set by Fuji-Q, which is one of the leading amusement parks in the world for thrill-seekers. There are also scenic views of the nearby Mount Fuji for passengers who can manage to keep their composure.
created by iqah at 12:10 pm
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
bestfriends day out
Assalamualaikum readers:)
I had a SUPERRR FABULOUS day yesterday with my two beshties, Sis Amy and Sis Nas :D :D
We watched a movie together *Mr.Popper's Penguins*, its soooo hilarious smpai kami ketawa mcm terBASARRR!!! ahahahahahha
After movie-ing, we went to Ahan Thai for dinner...we ate and chat...gossippingg....heheheheh then we went to Perayaan @PadangBandar, hunting for "gulali* a.k.a cotton candy..heheh nasib jua adaaa....ramai urng membali...pksa sabar ber-Q...heeee...p ndapa, worth it menunggu....sedapppp cotton candy nya!!! heheheh *jilat2 jari*
After pusing2 dsna...we choww...exhausted sudahhh..time to go back home :D
To my dalengs ---> had fun with kamu time g aa tani chillingss x tani tiga sama2 free..cant you both so kuat..heheh xx :)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
pizza hut with fbeps-ians
Tadi I had lunch with my friends in my faculty *Faculty of Business, Economics and Policy Studies* a.k.a FBEPS....heheheh we lunch at Pizza Hut..ane kira last lunch kami laa before kami sorang2 bepacah...ada ya internship, and ada yg still studying in year baru jumpa balik...huhuhuhu gona miss them:) xx
Majlis Persantapan
Last night, scouts were invited to Majlis Persantapan d Istana Nurul Iman sempena Hari Keputeraan His Royal Highness Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah ke-65 tahun...
This is my first time to be invited at the Majlis Santap...Im super excited...heheheh the food were great!! and yummi!! :D
After the dinner, we were given the opportunity to meet with His Majesty...shaking hands...he even talked to us...awesome!! siok!!! hahah :D was a great and unforgetable experience... :)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
larian hari keputraan
Tadi pagi, me, Sis Zimah, Qidah, Qilah and Amy joined *Larian Hari Keputeraan* sempena Hari Keputeraan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam yg ke-65 tahun :D