? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Aura 1st

helo2, these are the pictures that are taken by Azimah tadi at Aura's 1st birthday party...I couldnt come, Im a bit busy, yth..hhehhehe so just enjoy the pix, k coz I dunno what's happening tadi, hehehehe :p

birthday mama delayed

Di atas sebab2 tertentu, mama punya bday celebration terpaksa postponed...yth today baru kami sambut, tupun begagas sal drng mama kn bejalan...below are some pix yg ku smpt ambil tadi...enjoy...!!!! eheheh :D

cake mama *ancur cikit pasal Apip terhimpit* ngok!! ahahaha

my beloved momi :)

blowing her magic candles... *thanks to Abg Roy for sponsoring, hehehe*

my two idols:)

chehhhhhhh..aku jelessssss...ahahah

my family without me...aku nda dpt bergambar atas sebab2 yg tertentu.. MAJAL!!!!ahahahahah

Sunday, February 27, 2011

poor baby tucson

my baby kana "towing" :(

huhuhuhu my car broke down tadi...
Dari cmlm dah tu my car bunyi2, nda tau knp, bagijap bunyinya..
Time me on my way home tadi, makin worse aa bunyinya...mula2 mcm kn dpksa jua smpai k umah, but he couldn't make it...singan Tutong saja...ciannnn eyyyy...
kata my Dad, belting nya rusak...bek jua nda putussss..
hopefully he's gonna be okay, mwahz!! ahahahha lol:p

Saturday, February 26, 2011

i am no four n de'tymz

Today, kami menjalankan activity kebiasaan kami iaitu ---> movie-ing and dinner out <--- ehehehehe
We watched "I am number four" and mamam at De'tymz Qlap...
The movie was okay laaa...sadang...nda jua siok banar, nda jua boreng banar..okay2 la..ehehehe
The food was yummi!!! ngeh ngeh...nanti g makan sana... :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

party Dania

be a good girl and stay cute
mwuaaaahhhh!!! :D
cute jua drng adi bradi ane...

Cbah - photographer, Bok Lah - singer...eheheheheh

aku mau mainnnnnn.....but i couldnt...syg eyhhhh..

amah2 pinjam, ahahahaha :p

Cbah n Baiti
Cnah and Cgendut:p ehehee
guess who...
Lela smile for camera....cuteeeee
Zimah with future sis-in-law, ngeh ngeh ngeh..
NERF SESSION::: liatlah action Bok Lah and Azli x kn menembak...focus!!!eheehheehee
sory, yg lain aku sik da mbil gmbar.... :D

DEWI gorgeoussss

Aura kawaiiiii

the audience masa NERF-ing

Nene Usu Dahlan wif his new daughter... :)

me and Kaka Cnah:p

kn jeleskan aku lah anak dua eko tok..kuang asam kamu!! hemmmmphhh...
me and Qidahhhh

Aura Raihanna x bis mandi....

p.s. aku malas kn bercerita pnjg, just enjoy the picturessss, k, hehehe ;)