? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, January 31, 2011

nyum nyum

we bake chocolate cake tadi....terseliur aa kn makan cake yth we bake one...since us bth dah nda bake...alhamdulillah berhasil...it looks yummi!!! eheheehe...
sorry guysss, you guys dpt liat saja, nda dpt smell, apath lagi kan taste....ngeh ngeh ngeh... :p:p


tikussss!!!!! ada tikusssss d umah kami....eisshhhhhh, gali kuuuuu liat....*liat bix below*
dari stat last week sudah tu drng d umah riuh, kata drng ada nmpk mcm cicak basar, yth mula2 drng pikir ANGGAK, f djual lumayan tu hrganya, aahahahah p yang mahalnya bukan anggak, tikusss upanya...

yth x ku baru balik kmarin, baru jua ku ke dapur, ada tia tikus atu mlintas..gali ku atu...nda jadi tarus ku makan, ilang slera ku tarusss...gali ku....itam plus laju lagi tu....dari bwh almari ya lari kbawah freezer....eishhhh...

mama kata ada dua ekor tikus kali, makin th ku gali dgr...rasakn nda mau wah kedapur g...huhuhu yth tadi pagi mama ada pasang perangkap...skali sekor dapat...gali ku liat...p masih ada sekor g...

around kul5pm tadi, sekor tikus g terjerat...arah perangkap...mlakat aa arah gam...walaupun ku gali, p ksian jua ku liat...cm sakit sulnya..hope ya nda mati x bapa buang tadi...huhuhu

alhamdulillahh...misi menjadi mouse hunter sudah accomplished...mudahan sha nada g tikusss...takot ku ya beranak...eishhhh!!!! jgn eyhhh...

ane tikus yang 1st terjerat
ane yang 2nd, ksiannnn aaa..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

family day out

smekom semuaaa....eehehehe

today is my time to have fun with my beloved family :D

  1. we had lunch at yayasan *I saw someone*
  2. we went to utama bowling but nda dpt main coz ada bowling tournament x atu..spoil!!!! iski sudahhhh kami tuuu..huhuhuhu..
  3. we went to the mall, we played at the arcade puas2..smpai semput..ahahhaa Im addicted to game timbak2... :p:p
  4. terjumpa Aliff Aziz, wow!!!
  5. watched movie "khurafat" at Qlap mall.
  6. then we went to ICC, rtb carnival.
  7. went back to my hostel:S

below are some pix tadi:D

Aliff Aziz!!!!!
dalam shuttle bus to ICC.

the movie that we watched:)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

odw miri

aahahahahah ne acticity kami tiga x odw ke miri tadi...eheheeh lol:p

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

when we get bored:D

hello hello hello everybody...ehehehehe
kami tiga, aku, Ziyah n Emma boring brabissss ri ne, nada class....n we've got nothing to do d hostel, yth us jalan2, round2 bandar...eheheh Sis Sal nada, ya terpaksa balik kb, ada hal kn d uruskan...good luck dear:)

ermmm, our plan for today --->>>

  1. sight seeing at Empire coz bth dah nda liat pantai...ehehehe
  2. Jerudong Park, ride bumper car...ehehehe
  3. Komunis

p sygnya, our plan nda menjadi coz time kami d Empire, tiba2 ---> HUJAAAAAANNNNNNNNN.....huhuhuhuhu pksa tukar plan...ehehee yth kami ke Yayasan, main arah arcade sha, den Komunis, den balik hostel...eheheehehe we had fun jua lah tadi, eventho our plan nda brapa menjadi :D

Sunday, January 09, 2011

my new maid!! ahaha

today my activity ----->>> CLEANING CAMPAIGN IN MY HOSTEL ROOM <<<----- ahahahaaha..
I brought my bestfren a.k.a my new maid, Amy, ahahahaha:pp She is very helpful tadi, like u guys can see from d pix above, she was cleaning my window tadi wif a wide smile on her face..eheheheh She even help me to sweep and mopped the floor, thanks so much darlingggg, I reli appreciated it, nanti aku lanja ice cream aaa, ehheheheehhe love yaaa.. :)
Its been a month since I last visited my room, it stinks...like a store room...ahahahaha luckily there was no rats, yikesssss!!! but we did find a huge black lizard under my bed...***GALINYAAA*** hopefully x aku stat staying at d hostel, nada lagi cicak yang dtg.. *crossing my fingers* :D