Smekom Viewers:D
Its been a couple of months since I last update my post..been super busy wif d assignments and ol..the time has running out so quickly den I cud not catch up..huhu nway, Im back now =D hee
Theres sooo much to talk about since my last sum up everything, I just post pix from my last update to my latest activity..heee enjoy:ppp
sungkai wif Babe Leejan and Fata 15.8.12 |
1st day Raya =D |
openhouse at home :D 26.8.12 |
3rd Raya |
braya wif fbeps-ians 1.9.12 |
meeting wif Ms Suzi and Ms Rosnah about the big project 19.9.12 |
Sending off Leejan to UK 16.9.12 |
interview pizza hut 29.8.12 |
lunch kaizen wif Zirah and Khaoyin 12.9.12 |
Ismah wedding 2.9.12 |
Braya at Nas's 31.8.12 |
interview Guardian 22.9.12 |
discussion for presentation 11.10.12 |
shooting at Guardian..Ka Juli act jd pekerja 6.10.12 |
lunch at De'Ole Cottage after shooting |
Double Tuesday after presentation 16.10.12 |
new spec 28.9.12 |
Bibi's Wedding 30.9.12 |
sister bonding time :D |
movie-ing wif Popol 11.9.12 |
BIBD Run 14.10.12 |
movie-ing wif gengs 16.10.12 |
FUHHHHHHHH~~~~~ atu banyak ketinggalan...hehe Insyaallah after this Il update nda jua ketinggalan banar..heee
Okay, gtg...have a nice day guys=D =D