? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, March 16, 2012

heading to the beach:D

Tdi ptg me and the gengs went to Pantai Muara..relaxing our mind and soul, ahaha oberrrr~~ :p gpun batah dah us nda kuar saja2 smenjak dua menjak ne..yatah mcm rindu jua...ahahah apakan!!mcm nda jumpa saja wahhh..hahha LOL:p

First time ne kami berempat ke sana, aku pernah dulu with family tapi batah dahhh eyy..I cant remember when..hehehe kira jauh jualah pntai ne dari UBD, almost half an hour jua kami smpai...nasib jua nda sasat...hehee tapi ndapa, its worth it!! coz pantai nya LAWA!! and the environment bersih..luas...kira peace lah mate memandang...hehehe

Cm besa...the thing dat we owez buat, apa lagi, BERGAMBAR lahh...hehehe bnyk jua lehnya kami begambar atu...mua kami saja bahh dlm camera...ahahha LOL:p

After naleh begambar, we chill jap d sana, den off to 'Toys R Us' d Mabohai, sja sha mliat2 mainan, iski g kami tu....mcm kanak2 bah tarus rasanya mliat mainan atu...kekeke nasib jua nda ramai urang...ahhaha lol:p

happy browsing guys...hehehe kes malas kn bcrita g :p :p ADIOS~~~~ :D

lawa jua shot ane aa...hmmm...keke

knp mcm shadow yang pelik sha?? hahaha

chehhhh:p ahhaha



them without me:D


me and Sis Jiyah flew to the air:D

holding hands lagi tuu.. :p

heeheh senyum ya c Emma aa :p keke

me and Sis Emma

cua you guys teka kami mbil gmbar ne dmana?? ahahha