? ??????????????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??194 Grabs Today. 2
2110 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (11 Ratings)??190 Grabs Today. 17375 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Last night on 19th May 2012, me, Sis Zimah, Sis Jiyah, Sis Nas, Bro Apip and Cuz Akim participated in HSBC Walk, Run and Cycle which has been held at Padang SOAS, BSB. We joined the 6km run :D hee..Diz event was held 100% for charity purpose in order to financially assist those who are impaired and disabled in Brunei. And this is the 1st time this kind of event was held at night..which was EXCITING =D

We took off from Lumut around 4pm catu..arrived at Stadium around 6pm..there were shuttle buses provided for us so that we dont have to payah2 cari parking di Bandar atu..besides jalan awal sudah kana tutup dsna...nasib jua~~ kami lagi aher smpai...hehe

As soon as we arrived di SOAS...ramai sudah urang d sna...berjurit...haha We planned kn meet up wif my fren, Sis Emma di sna..but payah aa mencari..signal hp lagi nada..huhuhu yth pksa kami tarus sha ke entrance..

At the entrance, each one of us was given Glow in Dark Bracelet..so that we can be seen while running..mana tau..sasat kh apakah...sanang urang cari coz they can see us dalam galap..keke apakan~ haha After that, kami pusing2 d padang..cari mangsa..hahaha nadalah, cari Sis Emma..cari punya cari..ahernyaaaa, kami terjumpa jua..YEAY!! ahaahh oberrrrr~~ :p

Around 830pm..we all kana suruh gathered around for the opening ceremony...which was started by singing performance from the disabled kids and adults..it was beautiful and touching...heee ;p Then the Doa Selamat session...Before starting the event, there were aerobic session....which was FUN!! ketawa2 saja bah kami lehnya...cali~~ haha LOL 

And at exactly 9pm..the barricade was released and we were told to RUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! or WALK!! or CYCLE!!! ahaah LOL but yet it is not a race tho...hehe =D

As soon as we ran, smua kami bepacah...I left with Sis Jimah and Sis Nas..drng Sis Jiyah pecut sudah di dapan...and drng Bro Apip ntah kmana...ahahaha its okay...see you guys at the finish line sha...ahaahaha

Kami 3 smpai at the finish line around 955pm...ahahah atu..batah bah kami..manakan..skajap bejalan..skajap jogging...then branti..then belari lagi...manakan lambat...hahahah tapi nda pa..asal enjoy :D :D heee

The event was wrap up around 1030pm catu...and we arrived balik d Stadium around 11pm...sorang2 exhausted sudahhh and lapargggghhhhhhh~~~ We all had late dinner dulu semalam atu...den baru off to Lumut...around 145am kami smpai umah...huuhuhu aher~~ super tired...but it was worth it lah ikot the event...AWESOME!! cant wait for next year lagi=D heeee 

bh, thats all about last night...just browse the pix2 below..you can see bnyk tu people pakai costume..ada yg funny, cute and even scary!! ahahaha bh bh..happy browsing :D

me and Sis Jiyah

before turun Bandar :D

segarrrr masihhhh before belari....keke

Sis Nas and cKecik

Dalam shuttle bus:D

us lagi...hehehe

at Ayamku....ijap ku tetido drng ne krg x belari....pas makan lagi tu...huhuhu




Sis Jiyah and Lil Sis

me and them

me and bestie

me and Kaka Emma


our zone!! hehee

hahahah spongebob and the gengs baca doa..ahaahh LOL

shaun the sheep yang BAGAK!! haahha


avengersss...ahahah LOL

captain America pun adaaaaa...hehe

samurai and the gengs:D

snow white sasat membwa seven dwarves nya....aahahhha

ntah apa2 ntah:p


guess WHO? CBAH!!!

keke YES!!! US!!!


girl power!! =D =D